Windows 7 Loader Activator 2. Free Download. Windows 7 Loader 2. Download is one of the well known Win Loader available in market which basic function is to. Other powerful options include searching for mirrors of your file through Orbit servers or via p. The newest addition to the software is however the Software Updater feature. Orbit regularly checks for all your installed software versions, and offers possible update links for any out of date software. Updates also have a voting system implemented, so you know which update is more relevant or not. Unfortunately, having worked with our own Soft. Updater, I can tell you that file versioning on Windows is a mess. There are several places to look for the file version, and software developers each do numbering as they see fit. As a result, Orbit Software Updater produced many inaccurate results, and thus is not the most reliable way to get updates for your PC software at the moment. Pluses Clean interface. Powerful tools. Does what its supposed to do. Drawbacks flaws In conclusion Orbit Downloader is one of the most complete download managers available to date. It offers many tools and options and you will surely be able to download any file on the interent. Fix some error when downloading file.