Symantic Corporate All Windows Full

Symantic Corporate All Windows Full

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Find Norton Customer Support, Phone Number, Email Address, Customer Care Returns Fax, 800 Number, Chat and Norton FAQ. Speak with. Symantic Corporate All Windows FullUsing Clonezilla to make your HD bigger Your Warranty Is Void. Ok, innuendo asideWell, the ChristmasYule break is over with and its time to get cracking. If you were like me this holiday season, you were either placed in the position if needing to do a hard drive upgrade for someone else or you received a new hard drive of your own that warrants upgrading. The Clone. Zilla site didnt contain very clear instructions for what to do so I decided to write this howto documenting the process. In this howto, I will cover using the free application Clone. Zilla to perform a hard drive upgrade on a test installation of Windows XP from 4. GB to a 1. 0GB drive. Foreword Of course, its ChristmastimeYule and I took pity on my girlfriends laptop which had two things going against it. Firstly, it had vista and secondly it had a 8. GB hard drive.   Im not sure why Toshiba in their infinite wisdom only gave it a 8. GB HD, but they did. Thankfully I had just completed an upgrade to another machine and had a 2. GB hard drive to spare. So I set out to upgrade her hard drive and fix at least one of the two reasons that her laptop was evil. A lot of research turned up various solutions however none of them were very viable or were free. Most of them required two hard drives in one computer and although her laptop did have the solder traces for the second SATA hard drive connector Im not about to take a soldering iron to her laptop, shed kill me. So with that said and with my head still attached to my body, I kept searching. I found a Live CD application called Clone. Zilla which had Cloning abilities much like a certain Symantic product but was free and didnt require extensive configuration to get to work. Unfortunately the instructions were not very clear at all and after spending a nailbiting hour trying to start the copy, I finally got it done and decided to document the process in case someone else got stuck in the same need that I did. In this HOWTO, I will be upgrading a 4. GB Virtual Disk in VMware with that of a 1. GB Virtual disk.   Aside from the fact that its all virtualized, this is indeed a true upgrade and is exactly how you would do an upgrade for a real physical computer. Prerequisites. You will need the following items for a successful transfer The Clone. Zilla CD available from http clonezilla. Im using Clonezilla Live version 1. A Windows computer that has a hard drive with free space greater than the size of the original disk you are upgrading. If youre upgrading a 4. GB HD, then this machine must have at least 4. GB free on it. This will be the WIndows Image Server. The hard drive to upgrade. A working network where your machine to upgrade can browse the other windows machines file shares. This is CRITICAL, as the other machine will store your disk image for the upgrade. A case of beer, rum, vodka, etcThe other machine in 2 will be the image server. This is where Clone. CD will copy the files to that make up the disk image. I will review how to set up a fileshare in Windows for this however any machine that does SMB filesharing can work. There are other options available however SMB sharing works the easiest. Process Overview. In this HOWTO, we will be upgrading a Windows XP Virtual Machine with a 4. Patch Captain Tsubasa Pes 2009 Patch on this page. GB HD to a 1. 0 GB HD. Although Im using VMware Server to capture the screenshots, this same method can be used to upgrade almost any home Windows computer. Im not sure if Windows 7 or if Windows Server 2. The process for upgrading will go something like this Examine the existing system to upgrade and get existing disk size. Configure Windows Image Server to accomodate images. Boot system to upgrade with Clonezilla, configure and start copy process. Swap out hard drives, reboot with Clonezilla and configure to start the restore process. Take whatever OS steps are needed to take advantage of new space. OS DependentStep 1  Examine the existing system. This ones easy.   Just fire up the existing machine and take a look at the hard drive. In my example system, theres only one hard drive. All I did in this screenshot was open My Computer and Right Click on Local Disk C then go to Properties Test system to upgrade. If a machine has more than one partition, you might need to go to Local Disk Managment Start Run diskmgmt. Heres a screenshot of what our test system looks like through Disk managment System To Upgrade Disk managment viewBased on this information and according to disk managment, the minimum free space we need on our windows image server will be 4. GB.   I would recommend an extra GB just in case. Now that we know how big the disk is and how much space we need, lets get the image server configured. Step 2  Configuration of the Windows image server. This section covers how to set up the Windows Image server for the new image. We will need to create a new directory for the image files, create a new user on the server and then assign that user with full permissions to that directory over the network. Step 2a Add the user. Right click on the My Computer Icon and go to ManageManage option in Rt Click menu, Easy way to get to users and Groups. This will bring up the Computer Managment Console. Click on the next to Users and Groups, then click on Users. This will show you all of the currently installed users on the system and should resemble something like below Users view in Computer Managment. Right click on the right side of the window and click on New UserUsers and Groups Right Click Menu. In the New User dialog box that pops up, you want to set the following options  Username clone Description Clone. Zilla user, Password clone  User Cannot Change Password and Password Never Expires should both be checked. Account Is Disabled and User Must Change password at next login should be cleared unchecked. See below for the reference screenshot New User Settings. Click Create and then click Close. You can see the new user in the screenshot below highlighted in a red box. Our new Clone user. Step 2. B Configure the file share and add the user to the share. Now that we have the user in the system, we need to create the file share. In this case, Im using a directory inside my D drive to store the images. MAKE SURE THAT WHERE YOU STORE YOUR IMAGES EXCEEDS THE CAPACITY OF THE DRIVE TO BE COPIED In our case, we found that the system to upgrade is 4. GB, so we need at least a 5. GB disk to copy to. Go ahead and locate a suitable place for your clone files. In this case D is completely blank except for the system files that Windows generates for partitions. Right click and create a new folder called cloneMy clone directory. Right click on the clone folder and go to Sharing and Security. Fill out the form and name the share Clone however dont click OK just yet. We need to make sure that the clone user we created earlier has full access permissions to this directory. Click on Permissions and add the clone user to the directory with full permissions. To do this, click Add on the Permissions screen, type in clone, type in Check Names, then hit OK. In my case, it added ZEUSclone which is still correct. ZEUS is the name of the image server. Adding clone to sharing permissions. Now, I have clone added to the permissions window and set the proper access permissions for that username as shown below. Go ahead and click OK to the Permissions window and to the sharing properties window. Permissions are set.

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