Information and resources for contractors, consultants, suppliers and third part. ASTM develops technical standards for industry worldwide. Compression and flexural testing. Compression tests on molded specimens and on hardened concrete cores. Mass per unit volume testing for hardened concrete. Securing and testing cores from hardened concrete. Flexural strength and toughness of hardened concrete Testing for the compressive strength per unit mass of grout Water absorption and permeable voids testing. Apparent volume testing. A full range of aggregate testing at every stage of your project. We offer you broad aggregate testing at every phase of your project. From our on site quality control monitoring when you source the aggregate, right through to physical characterization in our specialized laboratories, our services include testing for Bulk density Polished aggregate friction value. Particle density and water absorption Sieve analysis. Material finer than 7. Particle shape Flakiness index Angularity number Fine particle size distribution Aggregate crushing value Wetdry strength variation Los Angeles Value Soundness Weak particles Clay and fine silt Organic impurities other than sugar. Resistance to stripping. Color of aggregate. Average least dimension Resistance to wear by attrition Unconfined compressive strength. Chloride sulfate sugar content. Petrographic examination. Oversize particle size distribution and shape Our in house aggregate testing methods include Sampling from a conveyor belt. Truck, stockpile, rock spall, boulder and drill core. Sample preparation stabilized pavement material. Contact us today to find out how our concrete and aggregate testing can help you comply with regulations and ensure quality control.