E Scheme Course Name Computer Engineering Group Course Code COCMIFCD Semester Fifth for COCMIF and Sixth for CD Software Engineering. Overview of Software Engineering the Software Development Process 1. The evolving role of Software changing nature of software Definition of a Software, Characteristics of a Software, Categories of Software 1. Software Engineering A layered Technology approachDefinition of Software Engineering, Need of Software Engineering 1. Semester Computer engineering Polytechnic Classes in Nagpur,MSBTE Poly 5th sem Computer Tuition in Nagpur, Polytechnic Fifth Semester computer engineering Batches. IGES Datenaustauschformat fr 2DZeichnungen und 3DDaten Flchen, in fast allen CADAnwendungen als Austauschformat blich und mglich. Download Free 400Ex Service Manual Pdf Software there. In 1997, AutoCAD pass 1. AutoCAD LT pass half million copies sold. Intergraph announced that 6250 copies of its Solid Edge program. Buongiorno Questa discussione sui cartigli lavevo gi aperta ma non ho risolto il problema quindi ne apro unaltra spiegando meglio il problema. Lazienda per cui. The software development process Generic Framework activities, Umbrella activities 1. The Capability Maturity Model Integration ModelCMMI levels and their significance, process areas considered for CMMI Level 1. PSP and TSP 1. 4. Significance in Ongoing Software Process Improvement 1. Goals 1. 4. 3 Names of the PSP and TSP framework activities and their meaning 1. Prescriptive Process Models 1. The Waterfall Model Nature, Situations in which applicable with example, Associated problems 1. The Incremental Model Incremental Model Nature, Situations in which applicable with example, General steps RAD Model Nature, Situations in which applicable with example, General steps, Drawbacks 1. AutoCAD Merge AutoCAD Board out line 2D line. 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Planning Practices Meaning of Software Planning, Basic Activities included, Planning Principles Statement and Meaning of each 2. Modeling Practices Meaning of Software Modeling Analysis Modeling Meaning, Names of the analysis domains represented, Analysis Modeling Principles Statement and Meaning of each Design Modeling Meaning, Names of the three Design aspects, Design Modeling Principles Statement and Meaning of each 2. Construction Practices Meaning of Software Construction Coding Meaning, Preparation Principles, Coding Principles, Validation Principles Testing Meaning, Testing Principles Statement and Meaning of each 2. Software Deployment Meaning of Delivery Cycle, Support Cycle and Feedback Cycle Deployment Principles Statement and Meaning of each 2. Requirements EngineeringRE 2. Meaning of RE 2. 8. Need of RE 2. 8. 3. RE Tasks Meaning and Sub tasks included 2. Analysis Modeling 2. Objectives 2. 9. 2. Analysis Rules of Thumb 2. Domain Analysis Meaning Examples of Domain Goal Input and Output of Domain Analysis 2. Analysis Modeling Approaches Structured Analysis Meaning Object oriented Analysis Meaning 2. Building the Analysis Model Data Modeling Concepts Meaning of the terms data objects, data relationships, data attributes, cardinality and modality with example DFD Use, Standard Notations, Rules followed, DFD construction using any Case study Data DictionaryDD Meaning, Use, Contents incorporated, Advantages w. Academic Year 2. 00. E Scheme Creating a Control Flow Model Nature of Software Applications where required, Use, Guidelines used Creating Control SpecificationsCSPEC Use, State diagram and Program activation table meaning and use Creating Process SpecificationPSPEC Use, Names of the contents it includes Creating a Behavioral Model Use, General steps2. Design EngineeringModeling 2. The Design Process Meaning of Software Design, Three Characteristics of good design 2. Design Quality Guidelines 2. Design Concepts Abstraction, Architecture, Patterns, Modularity, Information hiding, Functional independence, Refinement, Refactoring, Design classes Meaning and Importance with respect to ease of design, development, testing, and debugging 2. The Design Model Data design elements, Architectural design elements, Interface design elements, Component level design elements, Deployment level design elements meaning and inputs from analysis modeling that help in their creation Testing Strategies Methods. Software Testing Fundamentals 3. Definition of Software testing 3. Meaning of good test 3. Meaning of successful test 3. Meaning of testing strategy 3. Meaning of test plan, test cases, test data 3. Characteristics of Testing Strategies 3. Software Verification and ValidationV V Meaning, Differences, Names of the set of SQA Activities involved in V V 0. Testing Strategies for Conventional Softwares 3. Unit Testing 0. 8 2. Meaning Aspects of the Software Program tested 3. Integration Testing Meaning Approaches Top down integration Meaning, Steps involved Bottom up integration Meaning, Steps involved Regression testing Meaning, Purpose Smoke testing Meaning, Purpose 3. Alpha and Beta Testing Meaning Purpose Differences 3. System Testing 3. Meaning and Purpose 3. Types Recovery testing, security testing, Stress testing, Performance Testing Meaning, Purpose with example 3. White box and Black box Testing Meaning and Purpose Debugging. Meaning 3. 6. 2. Outcomes 3. Characteristics of Bugs 3. Debugging Strategies Brute force, Backtracking, Cause elimination, Automated debugging Meaning Software Project Management 4. What is Software Project Management and Why is it neededThe Management Spectrum The four Ps the People, the Product, the Process, the Project Meaning and Significance of each P 4. Project Scheduling and Tracking 4. Meaning of project scheduling and tracking 4. Need 4. 3. 3 What must a project schedule indicate Reasons why project deadlines cannot be met 4. Basic Principles used for project scheduling Meaning of each principle 4. Introduction to the Scheduling TechniquesMethods 0. PERT, CPM, Timeline Charts 1. Ways in which the project schedule can be tracked Only a list of the ways 4. Risk Management 4. Meaning of Software Risk 4. Reactive Vs Proactive risk strategies Meaning of Reactive risk strategy Meaning of Proactive risk strategy Names of the steps involved in formulation of the Proactive risk strategy 4. Types of Software Risks Names and Meaning of the risks 4. The RMMM Strategy The names of the issues involved Possible steps to mitigate risks List of the factors to be monitored The RMM Plan Meaning and what it includes 4. Change Management 4. Meaning of SCM 4. Need of SCM 4. 5. SCM Features Names and meaning of the features 4. Cleanroom Software Egineering 4. The Cleanroom approach 4. The Cleanroom Strategy Names and meaning of the tasks involved The Cleanroom difference Software Quality Management Estimation 5. Basic Quality Concepts. Software Quality AssuranceSQA Definition of SQA Activities carried out by the SQA Group. Introduction to Statistical SQA Meaning and list of the activities involved5. Six Sigma Strategy for Software Meaning Core Steps The DMAIC Method 5. The ISO 9. 00. 0 Quality Standards ISOs definition of Quality ISO 9. Software Quality Focus 5. Software Reliability and Software Availability 0. Definition Units of measurement 5. Mc. Calls Quality Factors Names and meaning of each factor Estimation 5. Meaning of Software Estimation 5. Ansys Autocad Import Page© 2017